In Byetsa, we want to say goodbye to the year that ends by sharing a balance of the objectives achieved in 2022 and presenting the new challenges we set for 2023. Growing sustainably, maintaining the quality of our products and our commitment to prices, are the goals that we continue to maintain, as every year.
Goals met by 2022: pricing, new markets and sustainability
Among the goals achieved during 2022 that we are most proud to share, we want to start by highlighting that we have managed to reduce the price increase to the minimum possible. In this way, we have achieved that this rise is lower than that of the rest of our competitors. This has been a challenging issue because we did not raise our prices since January 2019, added to the fact that 2022 was a year characterized by continuous increases in material and energy prices.
In a year as tough as 2022, we are also proud to announce that we have managed to not only maintain, but also increase, sales volume. How do we do it? We started a proactive commercial activity of contact to generate long-term collaborations with companies in the textile sector, both national and foreign.
In addition, through collaboration with new wholesale customers we have managed to consolidate our presence in certain European markets, such as Italy and France, and in Great Britain. We have also managed to expand our contacts with customers outside Europe, in North and South America.
2022 has also been a key year in Byetsa’s energy transition, as we have installed solar panels to give green energy to our industry. In addition, we are innovating in terms of the materials we propose, such as the biological tissues we present this year. In this way, we continue to bet on a sustainable development of our productive activity.
The new challenges for 2023
2023 is shaping up to be a year in which rising energy and commodity prices will continue to rise. In this context, it would be easier for us to find sources of supply of raw materials that are cheaper. However, in Byetsa we will continue to bet on the quality of our products, and we are committed to maintaining the supply of fabrics from national suppliers, so that all our products have the quality guarantee provided by the fact of carefully selecting the raw materials we use.
In addition to maintaining our usual suppliers, next year we will also begin to explore the possibility of adding new fabrics to our catalogue to continue expanding the variety of fabrics, which is already the widest in the sector. In this way, we renew the commitment to our customers to offer the widest range of options.
From Byetsa, we wish you a happy start of the year!
Just as in 2022 we grew and opened up to new markets, for 2023 in Byetsa we set out to consolidate our presence in Italy and always reach more companies that seek the quality that our products offer. We also set out to consolidate our presence in North America, through collaboration with important companies in that area.
By 2023 we also want to continue innovating. That is why we are exploring the possibilities of producing bieses with different techniques, for different productive sectors. In this way, we also would like to continue expanding the range of potential customers.
One of the most anticipated events of 2023 is the H+H Fair in Cologne, which will take place for the first time after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. This fair allows us to meet again with many customers with whom, due to the pandemic, we have lost the frequency of our usual contact. We also want to maintain and increase communication through our digital channels, enhancing communications and increasing content creation.
Where are we?
C/ Artés, 4
Pol. Ind. Els Dolors
08243 Manresa
Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 1:30pm
and from 16h to 19h
Send us your request
We offer you half a century of specialized experience in the manufacture of bias binding. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or write to us without obligation. We are at your disposal for anything you need.